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深澤 浩洋 教授・博士(体育科学)
FUKASAWA, Koyo: Ph.D. Professor
研究内容 research interest
スポーツにおける拡大体験 expanding experience in sport
シティズンシップ教育としての体育 P.E. as citizenship education
好きな言葉 favorite words
ideal means that you will not deserve that name if you give up on reaching it although you know its impossibility
あなたにとって哲学とは What is philosophy for you?
keep watching ambiguity

坂本 拓弥 助教・博士(教育学)
SAKAMOTO, Takuya: Ph.D. Assistant Professor
研究内容 research interest
スポーツと人間の欲望 our desires in/about/around sports
lived body of teacher/coach and student/athlete
好きな言葉 favorite words
初心忘るべからず Never forget the beginner's humility
あなたにとって哲学とは What is philosophy for you?
to keep learning to see the human being anew

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